After a dismal last week through Friday, then, came Saturday.

A friend, another writer in town, called and asked if I wanted to go on a walk. I jumped at the opportunity, despite my sloth-like mentality and went to meet her.

We walked, and laughed, and swapped horror stories about clients and writing projects and people and men. We yakked and gave each other advice and swore at the skies and it was …. hold on to your hats … a lot of fun. Just shows the power of a good girl walk ‘n talk.

I returned home, mood considerably brightened. And then had tremendous fun that night on a date.

Yup. A date.

My date took me to Chutney’s — on Hillview — in a rainstorm. It was kind of romantic.

I’ve never been to Chutney’s before and the food was so good, so great, so deliciously perfect that I’m already dying to go back. It was, I think, possibly the best dinner start to finish that I’ve had since moving to Sarasota. The restaurant is nothing fancy — fold up metal chairs and paper napkins. But the service was excellent, the lighting was perfect for mood-casting, the crowd was convivial and loud and fun, and my date was so gracious — he let me regale him with stories that I probably shouldn’t have even been telling, with nary a raised eyebrow. Smart guy.

Even smarter for choosing Chutney’s.

Even smarter for remembering an umbrella.

Even smarter for giving me a VERY fun night.

So the week of moping ended with a mojo rehab — thanks to my friend and my date.

Sometimes … I’m learning, my old loner-doesn’t-need-anyone-i-can-do-it-myself-by-myself attitude is a recipe for only one thing: less opportunity for fun.

James Taylor wrote a song, The Secret of Life, and one line says “The secret to love is in opening up your heart.” But, I think that’s the secret to life … not just love. You’ve got to have an open heart, an open mind and let stuff come in, instead of working so hard to keep things out.

Okay, I’m learning…..

And, despite the fact that I’ve spent all day at the hospital (home now just to feed cats and get a bite to eat) with my Mom who is having surgery, I’m feeling leftover fun from Saturday’s activities and even from Sunday — when — while it might not sound like loads of fun, I used a free coupon to get my car washed and vacuumed and now it’s all spiffy and that’s a little bit of fun in and of itself. And on top of that, last night, I watched a little of the Golden Globes and Robert Downey Jr.’s acceptance speech was quite a lot of fun — seriously, the guy is a riot. His speech made me forget my outrage at Cameron’s Avatar winnings.

Okay, back to hospital where I intend to have fun by flirting outrageously with the doctors, taking a free ride on a gurney, chatting up strangers in the elevators, and amusing my Mom with jokes to which I will inevitably flub every punch line.

Oh, and my brother’s coming in any minute too. So, that’ll be fun. Wow. okay, clean car, Robert D., gurney hot-rodding, doing my stand-up act … doesn’t get better for a Monday.

p.s. in my hours upon hours at the hospital … i wrote page after page of fun ideas to take me to 2011. um, anybody know where I can bungee jump?

10 Responses

  1. Now that’s the MC we all know and love! ….. You can bungee jump off John’s ego MC.Sorry JP I can’t help myself ….

  2. John, thanks so much for your note. that was nice to come home to. just got home from hospital. mom’s staying the night. she’s going to be fine and i really appreciate your very sweet words of support. big thanks!

  3. Désolé d’apprendre que votre mère est d’avoir une intervention 
    chirurgicale. Je suis sûre qu’elle est en bonne hands.we prendre des 
    cours d’école de médecine sur la manière de traiter les membres de 
    la famille flirt. La plupart de nous passer de cette classe! Peut-être 
    vous devriez commencer votre premier saut à l’élastique à Orlando. 
    Je pense qu’ils ont un saut de 100 pieds
    Robert D was hilarious !!!

    Sent from my iPhone

  4. merci pour les mots interessants, SD. vous parler tres bien le francais. c’est bien de savoir que les docteurs ne sont pas des draggeurs au moins que avec moi-meme! ils m’ont ignorer!

  5. Je ne voudrais certainement pas que vous ignoriez et serait heureux de discuter avec vous si vous étiez bloqué dans un ascenseur. Je dirais même que vous poussez vers le bas dans les couloirs une civière si cela peut rendre votre journée plus de plaisir. Nous avions l’habitude de course de l’autre avec les civières dans les corridors
    I don’t know many graduates from l’ecole des dragueurs but if your at the hospital long enough , you’ll find one