Some good news appeared about me in the media over the last couple of weeks — and I’m in the mood for a little Monday morning bragging (as opposed to quarterbacking!)

MC in today's Sarasota Herald Trib Business People section
MC in today's Sarasota Herald Trib Business People section

I have the great good fortune to have as one of my longest-term and biggest clients, the architectural and engineering firm of EYP, based in New York, with seven offices throughout the country. I’ve worked as a consultant for the firm since 2004, and for the past year or so, I’ve been working with an internal team to develop the company’s very cool Intranet site for employee news and resource sharing. The company recently won a national award for the site, and I’m proud of the contributing role I played! I continue to work on the site as the lead content developer … and I love it. Great company. Great group of people. Great project.

Employee Intranet sites can bring businesses and organizations, especially those with multiple offices and locations, into the 21st-century. The old-style, printed employee newsletter is time-intensive and expensive; Intranets allow firm leaders to keep in daily contact with employees about corporate initiatives and successes in a medium that resembles the hard news sites we all use everyday on the Internet.

Such sites are becoming an increasingly popular choice among large and medium-sized businesses and organizations for communicating with their employees. Even smaller entities can benefit from employee Intranets which help build company loyalty and connectivity by giving employees a place to get to know one another and share professional and personal news.

In June, I (along with the rest of the EYP team) was interviewed in the June issue of ZweigWhite’s Marketing Now about my (and their) role(s) in developing the EYP Intranet site, which the award jurors commended for its “amazing and measurable results,” and described as “extremely comprehensive.”

Other news outlets were kind enough to run blurbs about me — as a one-woman show/freelancer, I really appreciate the exposure:

The Maddux NewsWire (out of Tampa): Local PR Consultant Part of Award-Winning Intranet Development Team

Sarasota Observer: Local Consultant Part of Winning Team

BIZ 941 Daily: Coolidge Wins Communications Award

SRQ Daily: Coolidge Wins National Communications Award

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