So tonight I moseyed on down to Bentley’s Resort Hotel in Osprey to see what kind of crowd Nancy Feehan — candidate for State House Representative District 70 —
would draw out on a rainy Wednesday in the dead dog days of late July.
It was a stellar turnout. Estimate of over a hundred people — including VIPers Sarasota Mayor Kelly Kirshner,
Local legal Eagle Adam Tebrugge and his wife wife Regina
and Christine Jennings, 2008 Congressional District 13 candidate — crowded into a room at Bentley’s, with music provided by a local band, a few munchies, and a cash bar. All there to support Feehan — a longtime community volunteer, mother of two, 2009 Boys & Girls Club of Sarasota “Woman of the Year,” and oh yeah, just happens to be Emeritus Attorney for the State of Florida.
I liked the vibe in the room; and I dug Feehan’s attitude — going to Tallahassee to get a seat at the table — to represent her community’s best interests. I ran into more than a few District 70 voters who were getting behind Feehan’s candidacy early on —
Tebrugge cited Feehan’s “unquestioned commitment to public education,” and Kirschner said he was happy to see Feehan running to represent District 70 — even though he doesn’t live in that district. All in all, a strong showing for Feehan’s first big night out.
If the temperature in the room was any indication, Feehan’s the candidate to watch in this race.
She has my vote based strongly upon the “Cuteness Factor”..
And Steve, don’t scold me on making a decision for not considering “merits”! If ladies can vote for the the most pleasing looking candidate, i.e. Obama, I can vote along the same line of thought..
Or, is it non-thought ?
Okay JW scolding this time.
I’m a resident of District 70 and am so enthused about Ms Feehan’s ideals, ideas, integrity and look forward to having her represent the citizens of our district in Tallahassee.
Joan — thanks for visiting the blog and commenting about Nancy Feehan!
For the saving of our gulf coast, Holder needs to be replaced. She is bright and so pleasant that everyone in Tzallahasse will listen to her. She will fight to keep oil away from our beaches. She’s a former Assistant Attorney General from Maine, but has lived in sarasota for 18 years. We need to work for her, contribute to her and , for sure, vote for her.
Art G — thanks for visiting the blog and for sharing your thoughts. I tend to agree — I think Feehan is the candidate for District 70!
All best,
If we are going to take part in saving our gulf beaches, District 70 Representative Doug Holder must be replaced. He votes to please his party bosses or special interests, like Big Oil, not us. He works for us, but votes for them. We are very fortunate that he has an opponent who will look out for us. Nancy Feehan is a 18 year resident of Sarasota who is a former Assistant Attorney General of the State of Maine. We need to work for her, contribute to her, and most of all, vote for her. Get involved.