My yoga instructor Gary Halperin is offering a 4-WEEK BEGINNERS YOGA SERIES. I wrote about Gary a week or so back because I can’t believe the difference incorporating yoga into my weekly schedule is making in my overall life — so I’m on a bandstand lately about the benefits of yoga.

Anyway, the beginners classes are Mondays January 10, 17, 24, and 31 9:30 to 10:30 am at The Radiance Center, 2868 Ringling Blvd., — the corner of Ringling and Tuttle, in Gold Tree Plaza. And it’s only $40 for all those classes — you do have to register and pay in advance (see below).

This series is for brand new beginners and nearly new beginners and will teach standard yoga postures, emphasize body awareness and safety, and is designed to prepare someone new to yoga to join any ongoing yoga class. Experienced students can get benefit from these classes as well.

$40 bucks for the four classes is a pretty good deal — and the beginners class is excellent if you’re looking to try yoga or ease into your physical self for the new year. I think you have to register before January 3, but check out his website — where you can also register and pay online through PayPal to be sure.