Oh, when the Saints go on the field
Oh, when the Saints go on the field
A little later on to-day
Oh, when the Saints go on the field
Lions Saints Football
They’re gonna whip those Viking butts
They’re gonna whip those Viking butts
I’m gonna watch them when they do it
They’re gonna whip those Viking butts

Then they will go to the Super Bowl
Then they will go to the Super Bowl
For the first time ever, that’s what they’ll do
Their gonna go to the Super Bowl!!!!!

Now this song ends
As all songs must
‘Cause I’ve got to go
And feed the birds
But later on
You know I’m watching
Those Saints whipping the Vikings butts!

10 Responses

  1. GO SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope your crow poem didn’t jinx them.
    If so we have only u to blame for a loss!!!!
    🙂 and maybe a fantastic forty year old QB
    with a will to win and never say die!

  2. Since I have an affection for equines, I am confident the Colts will take this game! And then, they will fall to the Saints in two weeks.

  3. You are right on today!!’
    okay ,u like horses,
    what does ur gut say about
    Autumnlady in the first race at Aqueduct!
    Current odds 9 to 1
    If u can’t make it in the writing buisness,
    u may be a great bookie!

  4. Great predictions!
    But very tough for us over forty guys to watch Favre take such a beating and not root for him!
    After sooooo many hits , he must have been seeing crows!
    On to Miami!!!