Sounds sexy, right? And it is. (more on that later)
Opening the Kimono is the name of a book I just finished reading a few minutes ago. Let me set the stage: I woke at 7 am this morning to go outside and tackle my untamed yard. My yard grows rabidly and I’m always behind the eightball when it comes to representing a civilized presence on my street.
Well, I digress. My reward for slogging through the weeds and sweating copiously in the unseasonable humidity and ruining the remnants of last Tuesday night’s mani/ped-fest (accomplished while watching The Biggest Loser — which by the way, should by all rights be the topic of my next posting since I’m still stuffed to the gills from my Mom’s leftover mashed potatoes– Okay, I’m digressing again)….
My reward for going out and busting my butt all morning was going to be an afternoon break of reading a book.
So, I finished my yard projects just before the storm arrived (yes, an end-of-hurricane season mini-storm rolled through Sarasota today around noon — high winds and driving rain; perfect, I thought, for curling up on my couch with a cat, a coffee and a book) and I came inside, showered, lotioned all the cuts and scrapes caused by tangling with my way-way-way out-of-control bougainvilleas (oh, parsnips, I’m doing it again!) and settled down to read a book by local Sarasota author Theresa Rose — provocatively titled Opening the Kimono.
Disclaimer: I’ve met Rose; but we’re not friends (though, hey, maybe we will be; if her book is any indication, which it likely is, she’s probably a humorous, truthful, nature-loving, smartass — sounds like a great recipe for a friend.).
The book is a riotous and righteous read — a collection of essays (a genre of which I’m very fond). I rarely recommend books, but this one kind of rocked my head with its deft and entertaining combination of light and serious writing.
Rocked my head because it’s as brutally honest about “self” as I’d sometimes like to be, but am not. I’m too prone to self-censorship and too prone to keeping secrets. But this Rose is not. Her book kind of lets it all hang out — hence the title. And I admire the hell out of that.
Anyway, long story short. If you are a woman — you should read this book.
If you’re a man and you want to give a female you know a unique gift for the holidays, I think I can safely say this book would be a hit with most women who have even a slight sense of humor and a slight openness to the connection between mind, body, and spirit.
It’s as sexy (yup, there’s definitely some sex stuff in this book) as it is spiritual (but not hitting you over the head stuff) book about children, death, love, weight, career, taking risks, and self-awareness.
I finished it in a few hours (factoring in breaks for feeding the cardinals in the middle of a downpour and standing in front of the refrigerator bemoaning the fact that all the Thanksgiving leftovers are gone).
If you’re interested, looks like you can buy the book locally at that fabulous store Elysian Fields (right in the shopping center on 41 and I think intersects with Bahia Vista (not positive) — there’s a Starbucks and Michael’s on East in that same plaza)… or online at and at
The day is shrugging off it’s rain. There’s a slight chill. My respite has ended and I’m headed back outside to bundle up those dang thorn-infested bougainvillea limbs.
Hope you’re all having as much fun!
“If you’re a man and you want to give a female you know a unique gift for the holidays, I think I can safely say this book would be a hit with most women who have even a slight sense of humor and a slight openness to the connection between mind, body, and spirit.”
You are assuming that I know women who can read..
Well do you?
The Skipper’s back……..Yo where’s your little buddy Gilligan
“The Skipper’s back……..Yo where’s your little buddy Gilligan”
If you’re applying for the job I’m sorry to disappoint you, but, I’m not that kind of boy.
I’m fired Skipper?Do I have to give you back the camera???
I’m relieved that the entertainment section of MC’s blog has returned from hiatus.
Unlike you two I am gainfully employed……I’m Republican in casye you forgot.