Local Matters WSLR host Joe Hendricks, along with co-host Steve Norris, and co-guest, Matt Orr, helped me fulfill my New Year resolution to have some fun … and last night I had some of the radio kind of fun the show. It was my first time meeting Joe and Steve, and my first opportunity to meet Sarasota’s “It Boy” aka “Man-of-the-Moment” (sorry, couldn’t edit myself out of the picture of It Boy! so you’re stuck with me too!)Matt Orr. He’s doing some cool things in the city … .matt-and-mc

If you’re interested in hearing the program or learning more about local matters, visit, http://localmatters.podomatic.com/ or tune into the Local Matters radio show on WSLR 96.5 LPFM every Thursday night from 6 to 7 p.m.

And, if you want to hear my comments and the rest of the gang’s conversation on everything from the Kissing Sailor statue to Sarasota’s Police Advisory Panel to social media … you can listen to the podcast of the program at http://localmatters.podomatic.com/player/web/2010-01-29T06_01_19-08_00

5 Responses

  1. Yes you did well MC and I enjoyed the podcast.After you all were talking about suicides I wasn’t sure where you would end up but all in all it was enjoyable to listen to you and your views……

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