Thank you all so much — to everyone who contributed to this year’s MC “Reality Readers” fundraising drive to help All Faiths Food Bank continue to fight hunger in our community and provide meals for people in need.

During November, Reality Readers donated $715 for this year’s drive — which means they provided the equivalent of 1,135 meals for hungry men, women, and children in our community.

All Faiths sent a note of thanks to me today for organizing the drive, but it’s you all who made the results happen — so the thanks go to you!

I know everyone is inundated with requests to help out this or that charitable or community cause — and I really appreciate the contributions you were able to make to my little drive, which is small in comparison to the big charities and big efforts that go on all over our community — small, but still very important — because every bit helps!

And because I really do believe that each and every act of kindness, no matter how small or big, goes out into the world and makes way for more acts of kindness.

Great way to start December.