Rick Scott is just running amuck with his wild-eyed attacks on Alex Sink.

The St. Pete Times captured his cynical, self-serving frenzy best in this piece: Rick Scott’s Cynical Smears — you’ve got to read it. 225px-rickscotthead

Is it really possible that anyone is voting for this man, much less giving him their money?

7 Responses

  1. Talk about a big boob!Yikes but I think he will win.$$$$ talks and people are fed up with the Dems since Obama has really been a major disappointment!Alex Sink is no bargain either MC .

  2. How ironic is it that Scott would use last week’s St.Pete Times expose’ on Sink and Crist’s failings in safeguarding/investing the residents of Florida money and now the Times comes to the defense of Sink because Scott’s actions are worse because he was corrupt in the private sector versus Sink’s public sector debacle.Both are clearly not qualified for the job based on their past actions. Politics is an ugly business.

  3. You asked, “Is it really possible that anyone is voting for this man, much less giving him their money?”

    People are not only giving this guy money, but they’re bringing it to him by the bucketful. According to front-page story in S H-T today:

    “And that is before the Lakewood Ranch fundraiser in which attendees had to pay $25,000 each to earn the title of “platinum chair” for the event. The five that are listed as platinum chairs are influential developers Pat Neal, Henry Rodriguez, Randy Benderson, and Carlos Beruff, plus doctor Ken Lawson.” (Wonder if Dr. Lawson is an old HCA buddy?)

    “For $10,000 each, donors get to attend a VIP session with Scott for 30 minutes at the Polo Grill & Bar in Lakewood Ranch.” ($10k for 30 minutes–that’s better than Ashley What’s-Her-Name was getting from Eliot Spitzer!! And he was already a governor!)

    “For a minimum of $100, donors get in the general reception at 7 p.m. at the Polo Grill & Bar.” (Wonder if he’ll get a cut of the cash bar profits??)

    Good to see that Scott is sticking to his guns and not sidling up to the special interests he rails against in his campaign. Like developers……

  4. Sorry to see you write that Alex Sink is not competent, I think you are way off base. She has been a decent CFO and has the potential to be a great governor.

  5. I didn’t say she’s categorically not competent — only that she’s lacking in that department. It’s a feeling shared by nearly everyone I know — mostly Democrats who are still, as am I, going to vote for her.

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