I found out that local artists and business owners (Bella Arte Studio) Monica Spain and Marco Bell (a Ringling College alumn) are going to have their mural work showing up in the background on tonight’s airing of HBO’s big new hit, Treme.

Photo of mural work courtesy of Bella Art website
Photo of mural work courtesy of Bella Art website

I’ve written about Treme before — it’s an HBO television series about life in the Big Easy after Hurricane Kat took a swipe out of the city. I’m not sure but I think Spain and Bell have ties to N’awlins. At the very least, they’ve done artwork there — since their mural will be in the background of a key scene in tonight’s program.

Anyway, I’m a big fan of the show so far and am interested to see the work of local artists showing up on HBO signature shows, for crying out loud! Very cool. I didn’t know anything about Bella Arte until I just searched for them online and look at this incredible tiger mural!!!

I am hoping to build a new home for myself sometime in the not too distant future (whenever that big book deal comes through, right?!) and would love to have something like this. Maybe not a tiger … um, but how ’bout a giant Boomer?

2 Responses

  1. Thank you Mary Catherine for that generous compliment.
    And as for our mural in HBO’s Treme, Monica and I painted that for our friends, Liz & Doug, who own the Apple Barrel Bar on Frenchmen Street in (New Orleans).
    That neighborhood, or ‘Faubourg-Marigny’ is right next to the Faubourg-Treme, a community very rich in character, talent, heritage and a style that defies description. We were honored to contribute to the tapestry that is New Orleans.
    Here’s the link to that Satchmo Mural:
    Thanks for your kind words, and let’s all do what we can to help the fishermen and their families. Our Poor Gulf……..It’s not a spill it’s a f%$@^*$@ Gusher!…….

    Peace, Marco & Monica

  2. Oh, wow. Thanks, Marco, for visiting the site, and for commenting. And for the info on Appel Barrel. I just heard Monica on the radio …. I hope you saw 60 Minutes tonight … if not check out my earlier blog this evening linking to that very disturbing story.

    I’ll have to check out the Faubourg-Marigny. I’ve never been to NO but can see it’s way past time to go.

    All best and … if I get my house underway … I may be calling you for a mural of some sorts. That is, if you’re not in Hollywood! 😉