In 2008, when I was under fire at the Pelican Press for my “Reality Chick” columns that dealt with politics and race, a New York Times bestselling author publicly stood up for the issues of free speech, and for my columns that were making some people uncomfortable. That author was Suzanne Brockmann who lives part of the year in Sarasota where she takes advantage of the peace and quiet of our town to write her very famous romance and suspense genre novels, and lives the other part of the year in Boston.
I’ve never forgotten the kindness of Brockmann in standing up for another writer — someone she didn’t know at all, except for having read my column. It’s honestly not that often that public figures, at least locally, weigh in on controversy.
Brockmann’s in town tomorrow — Tuesday, March 22nd — celebrating the publishing of her 50th novel (this girl can write!) — and the seventeenth in her very popular “Troubleshooter” series, Breaking the Rules. She’ll be discussing her writing, taking questions, giving answers, and signing books, of course, beginning at 7 p.m., at Barnes and Noble near the intersection of Bee Ridge and U.S. 41 in Sarasota (4010 Tamiami Trail).
Publisher’s Weekly gave the book Breaking the Rules starred review and described the book as a narrative that ” reaffirms the importance of? family.” The book also is a romantic shot in the arm for fans of the series who will see the “steamy” rekindling of the relationship between the well-known characters of Izzy and Eden. Romantic Times gave the book four-and-a-half
stars and named it a “Top Pick,” describing it as a”Fast-paced and filled with emotional landmines… a great story full of old friends and new adventures.”
I’ve read some of Brockmann’s books — she’s a compelling storyteller and she delivers the goods. Check her out at Barnes and Noble tomorrow night and tell her MC sent you!
Hey, she’s cute.. She married ?
I’m pretty sure she is! 🙂
No but I hear Stephen King is single again Johnny Boy.