Romantic love
Intoxicates me
As much as it does you
But the question remains:
The conundrum
Of love demands
But we’re none
The wiser thinking
We can have it
On one hand
And not the other.
This much I know:
Love demands
Quite a bit more
Of something
Than nothing
So, don’t think you’re above
Not believing
We all believe
And beg to be believed
And plead
And bleed
Our cases, as they are —
To be loved, and love
In return.
But that’s all bullshit
What I wrote —
And still, I write it.
“But that’s all bullshit
What I wrote –
And still, I write it.”
And, I like it….
Thanks, John!
Of course you do John!Interesting prose MC…I like it too.
“Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.”
That’s no Bullshit!!!
yes, Scott, I believe you’re correct about that. But, I’d venture to say that it can be the same with some men, as well.