Um, I’m all for acronyms. BFF — best friends forever. MC — Mary Catherine. SWAK — Sealed with a kiss. KISS — Keep it simple, stupid! and of course the unprintable ones — FUBAR and SNAFU (gotta love those! 😉
Well, RSS is for Real Simple Syndication.
It’s a means, basically, to “subscribe” to my blog. Or to allow me to “syndicate” my column/blog to readers who want to make sure they know when I’ve posted a new blog.
But several of my readers have told me lately that they aren’t aware that I offer RSS — which is, essentially, a way to direct feed my column/blog postings to your home/Internet page.
I’ve always offered RSS feeds — from the day my blog first launched. Just scroll down on the page, look at the right side menu/category options and the last one says “RSS”
Click on “Full RSS Feed” and you’ll be able to just make a click or two et voila, the titles of my most recent blog postings will show up on your home page — i.e., IE, Mozilla, etc., whenever I’ve posted a new blog.
What is RSS?
RSS is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.
Once you subscribe to a feed, it is like having your favorite parts of the Web come to you. No need to go out and check for updates all the time.
Once you decide what method you want to use to subscribe to a feed, you can start clicking on those RSS feed icons to subscribe. If your software doesn’t automatically let you subscribe to the feed when left-clicking on a RSS icon, try right-clicking and choosing “copy link location”. Then paste that url into your RSS reader.
Well, anyway, I’d love it, of course, if folks sign up for my RSS feed — it just helps keep readers connected with my blog and helps me stay connected with readers. Plus it makes it super easy for them to see if I’ve posted a new blog without having to type in my blog site address or go to their favorites, etc.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to post a question on this blog and I’ll try to help. Otherwise — thanks for those of you who have requested RSS feeds — and thanks for signing up!