This year’s tourist season might be dead, but hurricane season is looming. For this week’s Sense and the City, I’m spotlighting a handful of must-do events coming down the pipe in May.
Here’s a taste:
The Sarasota Film Fest has come and gone; snowbirds are flying north, it’s only a matter of weeks before another hurricane season kicks off — May has arrived and with it, a calmer, but no less fun flurry of places to see and be seen.
May 8, 5:30-8 p.m. — Sarasota Magazine holds its Best of 2012 party at Selby Gardens; showcasing restaurants and shops that were voted “best of” by readers of the magazine, and giving scenesters one last “season” event at which to shake things up. I attended last year’s inaugural event and thought it was one of the most fun and relaxed parties I’ve been to in Sarasota — ever. Great people-watching (for the fashion alone) and hob-nobbing party (almost everybody who’s anybody) made all the more enjoyable by music with deejay Barry Carew, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and a setting amongst lush greenery, banyan trees and water views. ABC Channel 7’s Bob Harrigan and Lauren Dorsett will emcee this seriously “don’t-miss” festivity. A portion of the proceeds benefit the gardens themselves and the Sarasota Chalk Festival. $50; bestofsarasota.eventbrite.com.
Friday, May 11, is the opening reception of the Florida Artist Group (FLAG) exhibit and symposium at Ringling College of Art and Design, 5-7 p.m., featuring painters, sculptors and photographers who have received statewide and national recognition for their work.
Saturday, May 12, painter/printmaker Tom Nakashima, whose work is currently on view at the Vero Beach Museum of Art, will make a presentation. Also on Saturday — a walk-about of the Sarasota High School soon-to-become Sarasota Museum of Art, led by SMOA founding members Wendy Surkis and Peppi Elona, includes a sneak-peak virtual tour and architectural model of the future museum. The symposium runs through June 1; for details on the opening weekend and entire symposium, visit floridaartistgroup.org.
Read the rest over at the Ticket website.