All those years of living in New England have fixed my internal calendar to interpret September in only one way: the romance of fall.

I was born in the spring, but I’m a fall baby at heart. It’s the time of year I feel the best; a time of optimism and fresh starts. A time of anticipation for myriad seasonal festivities. A time for first kisses and getting a little crazy.

I’m so ready. Ready to stoke up a fire (I wish), cue up some Dinah Washington (schwa-ing!) and curl up on the couch with a book I should have read in college (okay, that’s not that crazy).

I’m ready to break out a sweater dress, throw on some sexy boots, and sidle up to a neighborhood bar for a little hot toddy and witty repartee (oh, geez, that’s what I want the most!).

But here in Sarasota, it’s still 90 degrees outside and we’ve still got almost two and a half months left to hurricane season, so how does one get in that September swing? Without the typical harbingers of fall – the changing colors of the leaves, the crisp air – how do Sarasotans make that switch in mood from full-on summer to please-come-on fall?

Um, as usual — my response to all times of change is to think of romance — dating – specifically first dates – I’m serious — a great, new first date is the best way to get in the fall mood.

If you can find a decent bar in this town that doesn’t have a ridiculously malapropos television turned on, a bar where the food is kickin and the martinis are icy cold … I can’t imagine a better way to kick off autumn that by cozying up to a bar or in a booth under the low lights; reveling in a first-date glow. With the crowds of season still a few weeks away, there must be plenty of places where September wining and dining would carry some major mojo.

Or, if you’re like me, after feasting all summer on the natural world’s works of arts – mesmerizing sunsets, for example, — you may find yourself longing for the sumptuousness of man-made art again. The Ringling Museum of Art, small and simple, is the perfect sorbet between seasons. Besides, a walkabout through the museum’s gorgeous interiors and courtyard will cleanse your palate of summer and ready you for the excesses of the so-called arts season.

I believe Ringling is having a special exhibition of Buddhist art through November; I’ll have to check it out to get my autumn on.

12 Responses

  1. What I always found difficult to do is trying to get into the spirit of Christmas in Florida when it’s a balmy 75 degrees outside.

    Stringing up small white Christmas lights in the palm trees helps.

  2. Ok Mary, all of us are patiently awaiting for your response to Sarasota, being labled as “Cougar Taown USA”… c’mon, don’t let us down….

  3. MC…call a friend up north, have them send you a box of leaves. Then burn ’em! That smell. Nothing else rivals it for getting me in the fall mood. Nice piece!

  4. Great idea, Jimmy D — never thought of air-mailing a box of red, gold, orange beauty. but i’d almost hate to burn them. maybe throw them on the grass and roll around for old time’s sake.

    thanks for visiting the blog and leaving a comment. come back anytime!

  5. Ummmm…any comments on Sarasota’s short-lived fame Ms. M.C. as being labled the new Cougar Town?
    You have to admit, go to St. Armand’s Circle and ck. out their annual; “Taste Fest”. You’ll see more business cards passed around to older woman than LA, New York combined! Matter of fact, it’s the plastic surgeons most profitable venture. Sure, the Long Boat Key Observer, lables this event as a charity fundraiser, but in fact, it’s nothing more than a way to misapporpriate association funds as this money is to be set aside for events. This is nothing more than a smokescreen for businesses to cash in. Shame on you Long Boat Key cougars.

  6. Yes you are MC, no getting away from this one. But, having watched the first episode, I truly feel this will be either the 2nd. or 3rd. new series to get the axe. So, Sarasota’s new branding will be one of short-lived. The script is a tad shallow and lacking of any true substance. MC, if ABC were to air you as a special guest, your talent would blow away Courtney. You’re much more interesting than she any day of the week. Also, I think if you were on the program, your contribution would be an asset to the community and would certainly make Sarasota “shine”. You MC are 100% real, an intelect, incredibly great looking, cultured. Heck, you would blow the competition away!

  7. Alright! Hawkeye2you….I’m working on a piece — you and several other readers have asked me to write about Cougar stuff so I will.

    And THANKS for all your wonderful, sweet comments; not sure I deserve them, but you made my day!

  8. You got competiton John.You wait until MC writes poetry for Hawkeye2you.Don’t worry buddy you still have your doggie and sailboat!