Shake it off!  A six-week telecourse to help you get your New Year groove back.

Mid-January can bring a major slump and dump to any New Year goals, resolutions and gonna-do-it-this-year-no-matter-what promises you made to yourself by the light of the glittering New Year’s Eve disco ball drop.

A few weeks later, and there aren’t too many of us who haven’t succumbed at least a little bit to winter doldrums, dragging our feet on implementing even our most wished-for New Year aspirations.

My advice? Shake it off. But shake it off with purpose, creativity, some fun, and yes, clarity and focus. Taylor Swift’s anthem is all that (I’ve never listened to a Taylor Swift song in my life, much less seen one of her videos, but I heard about this song, checked it out, and if it isn’t an anthem to shaking off what’s holding us back, I don’t know what is):

My six-week telecourse beginning in late January is designed to help you do exactly that — shake off the cobwebs still sticking around from 2014 and mojo up your momentum by mid-March to take you forward with gusto for the rest of 2015.

Shake it Off will, class by class, help you shake off the clutter — both internal and external — that’s blocking you from progress, help you shake off the doubts about whether you can do “it” or not (whatever your personal “it” is) and help you shake loose from the wouldas, couldas, shouldas that have been running a road-to-nowhere racetrack around the perimeter of your brain.

The course will include specific strategies and tools for clearing space in your life for new experiences, behaviors and attitudes, as well as provide opportunities for one-on-one coaching during each class.

If you’ve never enjoyed the fun, learning by listening, and affordability of a teleclass or telecourse, you’re in for a treat. I’m limiting this class size to eight (8) participants so everyone gets a chance to have one-on-one coaching during class if desired, and ask questions and get on-the-spot feedback. (And if you just want to listen and learn without joining in the conversation, you can do that, too.) We’ll all be on just a first-name basis (you can even use a pseudonym for the call), the calls are not recorded for sharing, and confidentiality is an inherent commitment, as we all work in this supportive, inspiring team environment. Some email support from me will also be available between calls.

Interested? Sign up by clicking here to hold your place (no commitment until you register and pay) and let me know what day/time would work best for you. Once I finalize the dates, you’ll receive an email with more details and an opportunity to complete your registration.

Shake it Off: $129

Upon completing registration, you’ll receive a complimentary signed copy of my book, Sideways in Sarasota.

Not ready to join the course? Then just click on the video link above and cut loose a bit … have some fun with with Swift’s call to action: get up, shake it off, and move your body. Even small spurts of joyful jumping around, acting goofy and letting your body move playfully can jump start your energy and motivation to get back on track.