Yesterday, at a traffic light, I was in my car with a car in front of me. The bumper sticker on the car in front of me read:


Snipers are people who shoot from a long distance, from a concealed position, at someone usually unaware that they are in the crosshairs of a gunman.

The sentiment on the bumper sticker just struck me — why “especially” our snipers?

8 Responses

  1. My youngest son is Marine Recon., sniper..

    Snipers save lives..One shot, one kill from an unseen position can demoralize an entire enemy unit into giving up, and/or going home.

    God bless our troops.. Especially our Snipers.

    Semper Fi.

  2. Mary, JW is right…as weird and crazy as the bumper sticker may appear, snipers can take out key opponent, as opposed to the disposal of an entire unit. Snipers are excellent marksmen Mary. Take for instance a sniper from a SWAT team. They’ve saved the lives of countless of hostages, being held by dangerous kidnappers. I understand how you feel Mary, in today’s society and being the 20th. century, you wonder why we still need to resort to this…and it’s rather unfortunate..but truly needed.

    Mary, at your speaking engagement the other night, there was a woman who spoke out about gun control. (right behind where I was sitting, was a US Marshal), I really wanted to speak, but felt due to the nature of the meeting and the topic, the timing was not appropriate. But Mary, I would just like to offer this one scenario… and keep in mind, yes, I’m a member of the NRA and I do have a Concealed Weapons Permit. I’ve been trained extensively also and am definitely not a gun-toting radical…but rather have the higest respect for weapons.
    Mary, I always offer this to prople who are totaly against handguns….”It’s 2:00 a.m., you hear a loud kicking in your front door, or the breaking of a window. You see a crazed person less than 20 feet away. Mary, what do you do; say, will you please excuse me and hold that thought for about ten minutes, to give me time to contact the local authorities, or, do you take your handgun from your nightstand and give the intruder a choice?”

    Mary, in the average-size home, it takes about 1.7 seconds, for an intruder to make it from your hall-way, to your bed. 1.7 seconds and the choice you make, if you do not choose correctly, can cause emotional scars you will carry for the rest of your life…this is, if the intruder decides to let you live.

    Mary, the reason and the only reason I have a handgun, is to provide safety for my wife first, then myself. But I would never shoot someone, unless there were no other options available to me.

    Mary, this is just my opinion.

  3. I’m not against military snipers, nor am I against police snipers, nor am I strictly opposed to gun ownership for the average citizen (though I do believe in stricter gun laws in terms of types of guns able to be purchased and the rigor of the screening process).

    I do think, however, that the bumper sticker has the potential to have an ideology behind it that should give pause to anyone who reads it. There’s a message in it … words have power, and the use of the words “especially our snipers” seem likely to have a message beyond just “bless our snipers too”.

    What that message is, what the ideology is, behind the “especially our snipers” part of the blessing — I can’t say, but I think it begs the question.

  4. (though I do believe in stricter gun laws in terms of types of guns able to be purchased and the rigor of the screening process).

    I do think, however, that the bumper sticker has the potential to have an ideology behind it that should give pause to anyone who reads it. There’s a message in it … words have power, and the use of the words “especially our snipers” seem likely to have a message beyond just “bless our snipers too”.

    What that message is, what the ideology is, behind the “especially our snipers” part of the blessing — I can’t say, but I think it begs the question.

    Mary, I truly agree with you. And say, even though I’m an NRA member, that doesn’t mean, I am not open minded to proples concerns, such as, why would the average handgun owner, need a 15 magazine clip…. personaly, I believe it’s all marketing…you know.. the; “more the better” ploy…

    And Mary, you brought up some rather excellent points and I certainly understand your point…well said!

  5. Daniel asked, “why would the average handgun owner, need a 15 magazine clip”

    Because reloading slows you down.

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