Last night, I had a few people — men and women — over for food and drink and conversation. I’ve been so crazy-busy the past year, it seems as if I just never take the time to be social anymore, so last night was wayyyyyyyyyyy overdue. party

A casual night with extremely good conversationalists — we talked about everything from women’s value and worth in a society that seems deadlocked on being dedicated to keeping women in a context where T&A is the only currency they have; we talked about gun control, we talked about fishing and cooking and boats. Oh, and of course we talked about cats.


I’d told my guests to bring absolutely nothing except themselves but they very sweetly showed up with catnip for the cats.

It was an evening of relaxed and great conversation with people whose company I enjoyed immensely.

We had martinis (well, not everyone, but there was beer and wine as well) and yummy shrimp infused with Key Lime Oil and cilantro and garlic, and lots of other good munchies. party-2

I lit candles and put out flowers. It was nice.

Haven’t had an evening quite like this since exactly six years ago, when, in July 2004, I threw a going away party for myself as I was leaving the city I’d called home for so long — Beantown.

I still feel a strange lurching, a startlingly empty feeling when I see images of Boston in a movie or television show. I miss my life there sometimes. But last night helped. And, six years is too damn long to go without those kinds of nights. I’m going to start planning the next Coolidge Soiree soon.

8 Responses

  1. Gee maybe next time some of your poor bloggers will get an invite:-(.Oh yeah we are invited for the book party in 2011..Come on MC invite us……….Dan and I will bring the dip and I don’t mean Capt.Perkins!

  2. Don’t be sorry MC you have a great sense of humor and know genius when you see it and JW has lost his…..