Special Offers

[vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]A Bolder Life Now life coaching with M.C. Coolidge.   Just email me to get started: Let’s talk about coaching!


Single-session coaching — $85.00 per session

2022 Won & Done is here! “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” Let’s be bold together … to kick-start your 2022 and make this year one of your best years ever. And don’t think, for even a hot second, that the pandemic has to slow you down. Take advantage of the slightly slowed-down world to strategize your dreams into reality. 2022 Won & Done is a package of four, hard-core (no dilly-dallying around) sessions for dreaming, scheming, refining, and taking action. Four sessions and you’ll have a game plan, a roadmap, a serious but totally fun plan for 2022. Only offered in January. Four-session package $250. Email mc@coolidgewords.com to schedule & pay.

Build a Bolder Life Now!
Hiring a certified life coach is akin to hiring a personal fitness trainer — it’s a way of making sure you have the support and structure for achieving your goals,and for gaining clarity about what you want and how to get it. If you’re ready to start building a bolder life now, drop me an email at Let’s talk about coaching!Package of eight sessions: $520. Individual sessions: $85. All sessions are an hour; and all packages include a complimentary 30-minute introduction call.


Dream Interpretation, Analysis & Meaning

One of my favorite offerings! Old dreams, recurring dreams, recent dreams — what insights can you learn from your own subconscious? (Read more here.)  I believe in the value of this type of coaching for my clients so much, I’m rolling out this new offering at at just $30 — because I am beyond passionate about the insights people can gain by examining the messages of their own dreams.  Sessions last about 60 minutes. Use the PayPal button below to buy now, being sure to provide your phone number or email address, so I can contact you to schedule our Dream Dive.

Give the Gift of Coaching.

Not sure if working with a life coach is right for you? I offer a complimentary phone session to give us both an idea of how we could work together and to give you an initial feel for what the life coaching experience can offer. Just email me to get started: Let’s talk about coaching![/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none” bg_color=”#2a6820″][vc_column width=”1/1″][line][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]sideways_in_sarasota_front_thumb Well, of course I’m going to suggest that my book, Sideways in Sarasota is a veritable primer on living a bolder life … even though I didn’t know that when I was writing it. Sideways is a collection of essays published in my “Reality Chick” column that ran for two years in a Sarasota, Florida newspaper. The book goes from dating disasters to learning to be comfortable in your own skin; talks about lessons I’ve learned in how to hold on to myself when the world keeps asking me to give parts of myself up; and includes stories on facing down fear, love, loss, divorce, and how I want to grow bolder … not older! Available on Amazon.com or for $11, get a personalized, signed copy directly from me via Paypal:

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