Coaching through email is a method of coaching I offer primarily to past and current clients that I’ve been working with a while.
In coaching a variety of clients over the years, I’ve observed that many, after completing a cycle of phone or in-person coaching, want to keep in touch for periodic check-ins and working through situations as they arise.
With other clients, email coaching works well because they have such busy schedules that it’s easier for them to communicate via email when they have the time, rather than be tied to a specific call or meeting time.
Often, all it takes is a few emails back and forth to brainstorm a new approach in business, get quick forward movement when feeling stuck, or tease out the underlying issues in a thorny relationship issue that has cropped up. Sometimes, it’s as simple as a client feeling he or she has gotten off track in a certain area and a few quick email conversations can get things back in line and moving forward again.
Because email coaching doesn’t require managing schedules, etc., it’s an affordable coaching context (roughly $25 for two to four email back & forths). And because clients and I both have the opportunity for reflection between emails, this type of coaching can often yield very in-depth contemplation, discussion, and results.
If you’re interested in email coaching, um, shoot me an email!