The Sarasota Herald Tribune published one of my columns today — “Stand-In Fathers Show What Makes a “Real” Dad”
It’s on Page A18 of today’s paper, or you can read it online by clicking the hyperlinked text above.
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers — the biological ones as well as the ones who nurture young people whether they were their “real” Dads or not.
A reader posted this note about today’s column on an earlier Dad’s posting since I didn’t have this one up yet —
“Kudos on a fabulous article. I am sure many of the men that have passed through your life (and see this piece) and offered support are smiling right now!” J. DeVries
Thanks J. — for reading and for commenting. I hope they see it too (though some of them are out of state) and know how very grateful I am for the time — whether little or great — they took to help guide me in my life.
Wonderful column in the Herald-Tribune on Father’s Day!
Thanks Ingrid! Nice to hear from you!
Tom and I both loved this column, MC. As the neighborhood stand-in husband and dad, and as a young man whose dad died when he was in his early 20s, he knows both ends – of being and needing that man needed to help a young person move towards their goals.
I’m always delighted by your ability to take a common theme and address and exemplify it through personal stories. Write on, MC, and I’ll keep reading!
Susan — thanks so much to both you and Tom for taking the time to read the piece and drop a note to me. It’s music to a writer’s ears (as you know!) to hear that a piece resonates with someone, and I appreciate you taking the time to let me know.
All best back to you both — and thanks to Tom for being a stand-in for others.
Very nice thoughts, and you are right.
Thanks Ron — for visiting the site and posting a comment; appreciate the feedback and hope you come back!