Hey, if anyone out there enjoys WSLR 96.5 LPFM radio — now’s your chance to help keep great community radio on the air! At the same time, your donation in the minimum amount of $15 will net you a nice “premium” (aka thank you for donating gift).


On Sunday, April 11 from 7:30 to 9 pm, I’m going to join WSLR Louisiana Gumbo Show host John Osgood on air to try to help raise funds for the station.

Feel free to call in — say hello, tell JO you love his Louisiana-themed music, tell us why you appreciate WSLR, and/or make a donation to keep the station on the air. Call 355.4540 to reach me and the hosts in the studio, or call 894.6469 to make a pledge or make a donation. Donations in any amount are accepted, if you make a donation of $35 you automatically become a supporter/member of WSLR, and if you give your mailing address, you’ll receive their quarterly newsletter, SoundWaves.

I support WSLR because they give so much great information about everything from local to global politics and social issues and they also offer some pretty great music selections. The station programmers have been supportive of me as a local writer, which I’ve much appreciated. You can listen through your computer if you like by going to http://wslr.org/listen-live/ and just clicking on the green words that say “Click here to listen …”.

Hey, maybe I should get my own radio show!

9 Responses

  1. I heard your challenge to the listener’s last night that if someone donates $500 to WSLR that you will run for mayor of Sarasota . What a great idea !! It is exactly what we need and you would be great for the job.I will donate the first $100. Any other reader’s willing to contribute to two great causes-community radio and MC for Mayor ?

  2. Thanks for visiting the blog, Siesta Surfer. You are very funny. I appreciate you listening to the program, um, but hello? Did you donate!? Just kidding! I don’t know who donated and who didn’t. I was just saying that about the Mayor thing to try to get people to call in! No way would Sarasota vote for MC to be Mayor. 🙂 But thanks for the good thought.

  3. Okay, that’s not the REAL Dick Clapp! I know because I can see the email address it was submitted under! But still, funny. But just fyi, anonymous mayoral impersonator — it’s okay to impersonate big name/global names that we KNOW wouldn’t be reading little Miss MC, but no locals — people could get confused!

    And um, by the way …. No empty promises … there were no takers either! 😉