Sense and the City: Signing off

Today’s column will be my last for Ticket. I’ve enjoyed writing in this space — sharing stories about everything from dads teaching their children how to skip stones across the water, charities and fundraising events, and women who put their titillating talent (and tassels) to the burlesque test, to pieces about local firefighters, nurses and […]

Bitten by the blues

Monday night I dragged myself out of the house at 9 p.m., and went to the opening of Ocean Blues (well, it was a soft opening for media-types and friends I think; the actual opening was on Tuesday night if I’ve got my facts straight). Ocean Blues is a restaurant/bar/music venue on Hillview; I think […]

Eye-candy for the sophisticated voyeur

A few weeks back, I wrote a column about how “sex sells” and questioned whether women as a group are empowered or disempowered by our culture’s commercialization of female sex appeal. I mentioned, among other examples, pole-dancing at Sarasota fundraisers and the Black Diamond Burlesque troupe that has been sizzling up Sarasota’s sexy factor.

The gravy train of selling sex

(This essay ran in my Sense and the City column in today’s Sarasota Herald Tribune TICKET, but for some reason they didn’t post it online — so I’m posting the piece below. All rights reserved by the Sarasota Herald Tribune.) I just can’t get into the whole pole-dancing and burlesque scene that, by all accounts, […]