Thursday Yoga with Gary Halperin

Seasoned M.C. readers know the name Gary Halperin: He’s the certified professional-level Kripalu Yoga teacher whose classes have helped me develop mental clarity, emotional satisfaction, and psychological calm (um, right — tell that to my cats when they’re meowing at 6:15 in the morning!). Gary recently emailed me to tell me about a new special he’s […]

The Season of Zen

The Sarasota Film Festival is over. Easter has come and gone. “Season” is slowing waa-aay down. As much as I love the hubbub between November and April, I’m ready to breathe deep and exhale. In other words, time to get back to yoga… To read more, check out my Sense and the City column in […]

All signs point to stillness

Signs come at you in little ways at first, right? Someone mentions their timing belt blew out on a drive to Orlando. You pass by a car on the side of the road with it’s hood up and a guy standing beside it with his cell phone out, looking hot and late for wherever he […]