Got some burning issue about Sarasota that you’d like to talk about? Want to give the radio waves an earful with your (no naughty words) opinion on anything from the BP oil debacle to the restaurants going dark all over town to what you think will happen in local and statewide elections in a matter of months — or maybe you’ve got something to say about Sarasota cops driving drunk … allegedly?
Whatever’s got your knickers in a twist, call me up and talk to me, baby, tell me all about it — this coming Wednesday, June 30, from 9 to 10 a.m.
I’m going to be a guest on the final Between the Lines show with host Gary Olson, and his erstwhile co-host and now special guest, Francis Scheuer. Live, community radio — WSLR 96.5 LPFM — and we’re taking calls for the entire show — even if we’re not talking about something you’re into, call us up and tell us what you’d rather talk about.
Just call the studio at 355.4540 to share your thoughts or ask a question of me or Gary or Francis. I know one thing for sure — if we don’t know the answer, we’ll make one up, or at least I will.
You can tune in on the radio or listen in online by clicking here: WSLR Online access. If you can’t call in, and want to ask a question or make a statement about some issues that’s got your eyes rollin’, leave a blog post here before 10 p.m., on Tuesday night and if it’s not racy or crazy (or maybe even if it is), I’ll try to read them on air.
Knock um dead!!
How did it go MC?
Oh, it’s always a hoot being on with Gary and Francis. Nothing serious was discussed, really. I’d brought topics related to BP/Hands Across the Sand activities, the undercover cops drinking scandal, Channel 7 stuff, but they wanted to keep it light and about dating, men, etc. Which is okay too.
Several callers — one even from Luxembourg — she and Iwent to grade school together.
Was fun overall.