Originally published October 2007.

Newspapers – good ones — help foster connections and compassion within a community, and I’m grateful to be a small part of that through the Pelican Press.

But without readers, newspapers (not to mention moi) would be out of business. Over the past year, I’ve been amazed at the substantial readership this paper has and very grateful for the commitment and passion those readers have for the written word and the free expression and exchange of ideas.

As a small way of saying thanks, I’ll be donating my November earnings from this column to the All Faiths Food Bank — in the name of Pelican Press/Reality Chick readers everywhere, both in print and online, who keep this chick in business.

Now, the monthly paycheck of a freelance columnist will, ahem, only do so much good in your collective name. That’s why I’m inviting you to join me again in another year of Pelican philanthropy or as I like to call it – “Pel-anthropy.”

Just like last year, every dollar you add to mine will help provide food to hungry folks – real men, women, and children throughout our community – who simply don’t have the money or the means to enjoy a good meal on a special day. Did you know that a donation of just $16 will provide a turkey dinner with trimmings for a family of five?

Last year, Pelican readers stepped up to the hunger plate and together raised enough to help All Faiths provide almost 200 holiday meals to needy folks and families throughout Sarasota and DeSoto counties.

Want to do it again?

Here’s how it works (there’s even a little incentive!):

Between November 1 and November 15th, send your donation – whether $5 or $50 — directly to the All Faiths Food Bank at 717 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, FL 34232. Write the words “Pelican Reality” on your check so that All Faiths staff can keep specific track of donations from Pelican Press readers. Just be sure they receive it by the 15th!

Everyone who makes a “Pelican Reality” donation can also enter four random drawings to be held November 16th. Just enclose a note or business card in with your check, making sure it has your name and phone # on it, so winners may be notified. Several local — and yummy — restaurants have generously offered to provide gift certificate prizes as a way of helping out the cause.

So, see? If you help somebody else get a hot meal, you might get one in return!

The winners’ names (with all due props to the restaurants involved; and anonymity to winners on request) will be announced on November 21st. More importantly, I’ll let you know how many meals Pelican readers helped All Faiths serve through “Pelican Reality” contributions.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I really do want to say thanks to all of you. Thanks for reading Reality Chick, for supporting newspapers in general, for sending such fabulously entertaining, sometimes challenging, sweet, and often soulful, emails and snail mails. The stories you’ve shared with me – whether brief or in novel form – have kept me inspired.

And whether you help your neighbors through this bit of Pel-anthropy or any other means that appeal to you, it’s all good … and it all matters.