I first heard about this incident from Amy Goodman when she came to Sarasota on Aug. 31 to speak to a standing-room only crowd at WSLR. There hasn’t been much media attention to the incident that I’ve seen. According to a report on ThinkProgress.org, the camera woman, Patricia Carroll, who happens to be an Alabama native, has made this statement about the incident, “This is Florida, and I’m from the Deep South. You come to places like this, you can count the black people on your hand. They see us doing things they don’t think I should do.”
The article also quoted Carroll as saying, “This situation could happen to me at the Democratic convention or standing on the street corner. Racism is a global issue.”
So did she captured the “incident” on tape
No, but apparently, there were several witnesses to the incident — including other RNC attendees.
Such a sad reminder that American citizens still endure the dehumanizing sting of racism every day.
Thank you for helping as an independent journalist to get the word out to your readers about this incident that has been unreported by corporate media.