Has anyone heard of this situation? Apparently, a real, live Tiger is being kept in a tiny cage at a truckstop called “The Tiger Truckstop” in Louisiana. Can this be even real? I mean, who, what kind of person, would imprison a big cat like this?
And, more importantly to me — what kind of people would actually patronize a truckstop that did something so despicable. I admit I don’t know all the facts, but just on the face of it alone — keeping a big cat locked up at a truckstop — where he can’t stretch his legs, enjoy the company of other cats, and has to smell probably some pretty awful fumes all day and all night — this seems like a horrible situation.
Apparently, there is a movement to boycott the truckstop and get authorities involved. There may even be a movement afoot to get the animal relocated to a Florida Big Cat Rescue facility. If anyone knows anything, please post a comment here. (UPDATE: A reader has provided some additional information and links in the comment section that other readers may find helpful.)
There’s a Facebook page (I know, I know! I’ve dissed FB on these pages and am now sending you there — but hey, I know lots and lots of people are big FB fans!) where you can SIGN A PETITION and also a blog where you can learn a lot more about the situation and the efforts to help the tiger. The url for the blog is: http://freetonythetiger.wordpress.com/
The Facebook page can be found at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Free-Tony-The-Tiger/328048525558
Here’s an excerpt from the Facebook page: Tony is a nine year old Siberian/Bengal tiger who has lived all of his nine years at a truck stop in Grosse Tete Louisiana. His “home” is one of concrete and steel, amid the noise and fumes of cars and trucks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Thank you for posting this about Tony. I just don’t get it either!! The people in charge of his web sites & pages have been battling for Tony for a long time! Sounds like there’s something fishy going on down in Iberville parish–the good ol’ boy network alive & well. Considering the “owner” has had many violations & also surrendered 2 other tigers–poor Tony got left behind. They “amended” the ordinence to let him keep Tony, even though it’s techincally against the law! We have been sending letters to the national media & various celebrities, signing patitions & doing whatever anyone can think of. Hopefully peolpe will keep fighting for him–I know I will.
Thanks for visiting the blog, Sarah — a lot of people will respond maybe not to this blog (though I’m sure some will) but to the situation no matter where they find out about it. It’s just a shame. I love cats, but “big” cats don’t belong in domesticated or freakshow settings.
Come on MC!!!!
You adopted domino for about a month
what’s wrong with Tony
u love animals and certainly there is enough food about your property
a cat is a cat no matter how big or small
go for it!!!
U may need a bigger litter box
MC thank you for sharing Tony’s story, he means a great deal too many of us. In July he will be 10 years old and with the lack of care that he has received we question how long he will be around. We would love to see him in a humane sanctuary so that for once in his life he will have some quality in his life. He would for once know what a good meal is quality vet care and have enrichment which he knows nothing about. Here are some more great sites created for Tony starting with Tony’s Tale http://www.youtube.com/user/FreeTonyTheTiger
Sky Williamson
More Information About Tony:
Tony’s WordPress page:
Follow Tony On Twitter:
Tony On Youtube:
This is Big Cat Rescue’s page for Tony:
Does ANYONE Care About Tony The Tiger???
Tony On Weebly:
Kitty, kitty! Good points. I’d LOVE to be around a big cat. But I know it’s not good for them. They need to be wild and free … oh, wait a minute, so do I!
Sky — thank you for visiting the site and for providing so much more information and links for readers. I’ve updated the post to direct readers to this comment section so they can be sure to see the extra information you provided. Thanks so much for posting!
I swung by yesterday and had a look..
He looked bored and hot..
Not many visitors..
It was sad..
Very, very sad..