My new favorite bar in Sarasota is at Bijou Cafe.
Bartender at Bijou whipped up my fave cocktail.

Interested in knowing what I was doing last Saturday night? Read today’s Sense and the City column (Sarasota Herald-Tribune TICKET section, always way in the back pages!) or click here to read it online.

John Russo aka the "singing bartender" at Sam Snead's

5 Responses

  1. All I can say after 4 years on this blog MC you are aces!Enough said!It is 4 years right?I am just an old man with a bad memory!Enjoy and have fun as always.Hope the 3 cats are thriving too:-)

  2. Steve — three years! but whose counting?! 🙂 as for martini girl … i still enjoy them every now and again but i’ve been an amaretto and sprite girl for a lot longer!

  3. Yes, I believe he still is! I’m not sure where he’s working right now, though….If I find out, I’ll send you an email. Thanks for visiting my site!