Unspoken truths … articulated by Christopher Hitchens
photo courtesy of vanityfair.comIf you haven’t yet read Christopher Hitchens’ June essay in Vanity Fair … I can’t urge you enough to do so. I’ve been reading Hitch since I was just past knee-high to a grasshopper (give or take a few years) and his writing — his thinking — and most importantly, his feeling — are all more acutely drawn because of his personal situation.
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker, And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, And in short, I was afraid. —T. S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”
Mary, I want to thank you very much, for your introducing such a fine, gifted writer. Having just researched Vanity Fair’s archives, for more of Christopher Hitchen’s stories, I must have been up half the night enjoying them.
Thank you again Mary and should you ever run across a literary figure that really touches you in a way you’d like to share, please, by all means, forward your recommendations.
Mary, I’d also like to apologize to your readers, if some of my posts seemed a little too angry – (verbiage). It’s just I truly love the written word and was hurt somewhat, when I found out what happened with the Pelican Press and it’s great writers.
I’ll do my best and promise not to let what’s going on, get the best of me, to where I tend to shout-off in your blog.
Glad you’re enjoying Hitch … he’s one of — maybe the — favorite of mine in terms of contemporary writers!
You need to go on the beach Dan and relax..perhaps a nice long walk will do you good!:-)
Soos Steve, soon…and I’ll look forward in kicking back with ya and have a drink..
Mary, I want to thank you very much, for your introducing such a fine, gifted writer.
Having just researched Vanity Fair’s archives, for more of Christopher Hitchen’s stories, I must have been up half the night enjoying them.
Thank you again Mary and should you ever run across a literary figure that really touches you in a way you’d like to share, please, by all means, forward your recommendations.
Mary, I’d also like to apologize to your readers, if some of my posts seemed a little too angry – (verbiage). It’s just I truly love the written word and was hurt somewhat, when I found out what happened with the Pelican Press and it’s great writers.
I’ll do my best and promise not to let what’s going on, get the best of me, to where I tend to shout-off in your blog.
Glad you’re enjoying Hitch … he’s one of — maybe the — favorite of mine in terms of contemporary writers!
You need to go on the beach Dan and relax..perhaps a nice long walk will do you good!:-)
Soos Steve, soon…and I’ll look forward in kicking back with ya and have a drink..