In my Sense and the City column today in the Sarasota Herald Tribune TICKET, I wrote about Greg Mortenson, Pulitzer Prize for Peace nominee and author of Three Cups of Tea,
Mortenson’s simple presentation of himself, his extraordinary dedication to helping others, really impacted me … and I wrote about it. You can read the story on page 10E of today’s Sarasota Herald Tribune TICKET section, or you can pick it up — FOR FREE — in TICKET/CL boxes across the city.
If you want to read it online, visit Up Close and Personal with Poverty.
If you’re enjoying my new Sense and the City column, feel free to let the editors know! You can send an electronic Letter to the Editor by clicking here: Letter to the Editor at Sarasota Herald Tribune.
Take care in closely helping the homeless as many, if not most, have grave mental issues.
But, it’s always nice to see you have a warm and open heart in these heartless times.