One of my readers in Louisiana wrote to me with this message about the “Tiger at a Truckstop” story I posted a while back.

“Swung by yesterday and had a look. czhvlzcacpqgnqv-250

He looked bored and hot … . Not many visitors … . It was sad … very, very sad.”

The reader is a regular reader and commenter on this blog and I really appreciate his effort to go check out the story in person. If you’d like to help this tiger, you can SIGN A PETITION at or look on Facebook for Free Tony the Tiger.

2 Responses

  1. I wrote to the Town Council about 2 years ago about the plight of Tony the Tiger. It is just horrible what this poor tiger has endured for so many years. I never received a reply, of course. The people at Big Cat Rescue in Tampa have offered to take him, but his captors will not let him go. He suffers at a truck stop to be harassed by the truckers day and night. The noise and lights never stop. It makes me cry to think about Tony…

  2. Oh, Ingrid — I’m glad you at least tried to do something. It’s just awful. Your word is right — “captors” — my word is mofo’s.