
I just went outside and there’s a teeny-tiny turtle right in front of my front door. dscn1335I’m about a five minute walk from a nice-sized pond that has ducks and other waterfowl and lots of GIGANTIC turtles. But what is this baby turtle doing all the way up on my front step?

What should I do?

I temporarily put him in a bucket to keep him safe. But should I walk him down to the water’s edge and set him down there?

Does anyone know what kind of turtle he is? I tried to research on the Internet but couldn’t be sure.

Help me help this little fella out!dscn1336

7 Responses

  1. Too small for turtle soup..
    Take it to the pond and set it free.. If it returns to you, it was meant to be.

  2. Very funny, JWP!! But I think that’s what I might end up doing … the pond, that is, not the soup!

  3. MC, make certain, what ever you do, never place a wild turtle in the water. This is a misconception as it’s peoples first instinct, to place a wild turtle in the water. Place it near the water if you wish, but never in the water. They will follow their instaincts and no what to do. If he goes back to you, well, then you have a project on your hands. You can build a nice little turtle sanctuary in your back yard, ha….

  4. Thanks, Advocate for the advice! I did take the turtle down just before dusk and placed him close to, but not in the water. He did scootch close to the water though, but he didn’t go in. I hope he survives!

  5. Oh gosh, MC! This could be an epidemic! We had an almost identical tiny turtle (could have been your turtle’s brother) appear in our driveway about 2 weeks after yours did. A friend called the Venice Reptile Rescue & they said to do just what you did.
    We made an event of it, we had a “Turtle Release Party” on the banks of a Gulf Gate lake behind a friends’ house. To get him ‘prepared’ for his big journey into the wild, a local musician (Bob Kraemer) played acoustic guitar music, & I read a Native American blessing from a book called ROLLING THUNDER…..We put the lil turtle near the water’s edge & he enthusiastically made a quick plunge into the warm water of the lake. We all threw plumaria blossoms into the water and wished him well. May ‘misplaced’ turtles everywhere be blessed!