Disclaimer — I’ve never eaten at a First Watch restaurant in my life. AND, I’ve traditionally hated youtube just on general principle alone.

But I’ve seen a couple of things lately that make youtube less spooky to me. And one of those things is this very simple but inspiring video by local writer Amy Knapp of The gg Monologues.


It’s a filming of the First Watch restaurant where Amy serves up smiles with service — but it’s more. It’s just a simple look into the days of people who work in front of and behind the scenes — keeping the rest of us going with good food and hot coffee. Nothing much really happens in the video — and I think that’s the point. Because maybe everything is happening when you simply focus on doing a good job and having a beautiful day while doing it. I like that mentality.

The video is set, appropriately enough to U2’s “Beautiful Day” (one of my all-time faves) and I just connected with the faces in the video. Amanda Schlachter is the one teaching the cheers and I don’t know, she just comes across and sweet and genuine. (And, sheesh, that restaurant looks sparkling clean — guess I have to try it!)

Anyway — real people doing real stuff and trying to have a beautiful day. It’s just a sweet thing to watch and made my morning start off right. It might make you smile too.

And that’s the end of this smile, it’s Friday post.