2020 Make It the Best Year of Your Life

2020?  The Future Just Got Real Real! 2020? How did that happen? This year — 2020 — always sounded super futuristic and unimaginable to my younger self’s ears, and now suddenly … here it is. That’s what happens, isn’t it? We get up every day, go about doing our “thang,” sometimes taking big leaps and […]

Life Coach Helped Me Save My Own Butt

Working with a life coach saved my butt on a couple of occasions. Before becoming a coach myself, I hired a life coach on two separate occasions, years apart, to help me achieve specific goals, and I was astounded at how quickly I was able to effect meaningful change in my life with the help […]

Certified Martha Beck Life Coach

Whoo-hoo! It’s official! Received my certificate from Martha Beck and I couldn’t be more proud. I’ve added it to the wall directly across from my desk — it’s directly in my line of sight while I work all day and will be a sweet, inspiring reminder every day of what my intention is: to coach […]

Fear of finances: beating procrastination at its own game

Who among us doesn’t procrastinate? Often it doesn’t really matter. The important things get done … eventually. But when it prevents us from being financially responsible, procrastination can wreak havoc on our bank accounts, and devastate our sense of self-worth. We all say we’ll start spending less after the holidays are over; we’ll ask our […]

Who you gonna call?

When we’re struggling with fears or a lack of confidence, juggling a to-do list longer than the list of women pointing the finger at Bill Cosby, or just plain trying to figure out our lives and our next steps in them — who we gonna call? New York City had the hilariously handy Ghostbusters to […]

Mind-body experience expansion (No LSD required)

I recently spent some time working with Martha Beck Master Certified life coach Terry DeMeo. My work with Terry has turned my life in a virtual Inner 180. It’s not hyperbole to say Terry’s coaching taught me tools I’d never known existed and, seriously, she pretty much blew the lid off (or, actually taught me […]