Feeling lost? That’s the first sign that you’re finding yourself.
“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” — Henry David Thoreau I’ve been lost a few times in my life — haven’t we all? I remember feeling lost when I received a letter from my father letting me know that he would not help me financially with furthering my education after […]
Asleep at the Wheel
For much of my life, if doctors had analyzed my brain waves, I’m pretty sure they would have determined I was asleep. My body may have been going through the motions of being awake, but for an embarrassingly long number of years, my brain was slumbering. I snoozed my way through jobs, vacations, opportunities, even […]
Fail Your Way to Success
“Because of the power of neuroplasticity, you can, in fact, reframe your world and rewire your brain so that you are more objective. You have the power to see things as they are so that you can respond thoughtfully, deliberately, and effectively to everything you experience.” — Elizabeth Thornton You try. You fail. You try. […]
Quit Playing the Guessing Game
My clients often spin themselves out worrying about what other people are thinking. They spend precious life time trying to “figure out” the intentions of people they work, socialize, or live with. They gnaw their nails wondering what someone “meant” by a word, a look, or lack thereof. Example: You’re talking with five colleagues on […]
Someone Stole My Buddha
One year ago this month, the essay that follows — Someone Stole My Buddha! — was printed in a national magazine called “Spirituality & Health.” Over the years, I’d been published frequently in Sarasota newspapers and once in the Tampa Bay Times, but up to that point — had never hit a national pub. So, […]
Knowing When to Walk Away
This past year I decided to walk away from a friendship I’d had for 11 years. I won’t bore you with all the details but essentially this was one of those faux-friendships — and I didn’t get the memo. I finally realized that there was no “there” there. It was a shallow relationship with the […]
Exploring Boundaries in the Time of Coronavirus
Happy Spring! Er, um, well … sorta, right? It’s spring and we all want to be out and about, enjoying the weather, feeling the breeze, watching trees and plants burst through with new growth. And, yet, given the COVID-19 pandemic, you might not be feeling very spring-y, to say the least. You might feel closed-in […]
On Valentine’s Day How Well Do You Love You?
How Do You Love You? Elizabeth Barrett Browning famously wrote “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” Ah, Valentine’s Day. The day when so many of us go off the deep end showing love for others or pining for showings of love from others. For just this year, I’m asking you to […]
2020 Make It the Best Year of Your Life
2020? The Future Just Got Real Real! 2020? How did that happen? This year — 2020 — always sounded super futuristic and unimaginable to my younger self’s ears, and now suddenly … here it is. That’s what happens, isn’t it? We get up every day, go about doing our “thang,” sometimes taking big leaps and […]
Coaching for Life Love Work
Super grateful and happy this November to be celebrating my FIVE YEAR anniversary as a working life coach! Yay! Helping others find clarity and move forward in their personal, professional, spiritual, and physical lives is pretty much the most meaningful and fun work I’ve ever done! A huge thank you to all the wonderful men […]