Regifting good
Kindness is the one gift that should always be regifted. It’s a gift no one would ever be offended to receive knowing it had first belonged to someone else. And it’s a gift that once made, the giver would undoubtedly only be pleased if you passed it along to someone else. I gave a talk […]
All Faiths Food Bank 2012
As I do every year, I’m donating all income I receive for talks I give and any columns of mine that are published during the month of November straight to All Faiths Food Bank. If you’d like to participate in the MC “Reality” All Faiths Food Bank fundraising drive this year — there are two […]
All Faiths Food Bank MC Readers Drive Update — $2,565 Raised!
Thanks to everyone who took the time to donate to the MC/Ticket All Faiths Food fundraising drive in November. At the end of the Thanksgiving drive, All Faiths had received $2,565 from “Sense and the City” readers. That’s the equivalent of 4,071 meals provided to hungry men, women and children in our community. I can’t […]
Falling for fireworks
Read about my love/hate relationship with the Fourth of July — in today’s Sarasota Herald-Tribune TICKET or online at Falling for Fireworks
Reality Readers Help Provide 1,135 Meals for the Hungry!
Thank you all so much — to everyone who contributed to this year’s MC “Reality Readers” fundraising drive to help All Faiths Food Bank continue to fight hunger in our community and provide meals for people in need. During November, Reality Readers donated $715 for this year’s drive — which means they provided the equivalent […]
Turkey Day tidbits add up
I hope everyone’s out (or in) enjoying the long holiday weekend! I feel very blessed to have a roof over my head (it’s raining out) and just finished eating a simple snack of a yummy delicious apple and a piece of wheat bread, and gave my cats an afternoon tidbit of turkey. I know I’m […]
What if … we take a moment to help fight hunger in our community?
I ran my “What If” blog on January 22nd of this year … but it seems appropriate for this current week too; so I’ve excerpted it below. Thank you to all who donated so far to the All Faiths Food Bank “Reality Readers” fundraising drive! If you’re interested in donating money through the MC Reality […]
Heal Hunger for the Holidays — update
Let’s Heal Hunger for the Holidays! Since 2006, readers of my “reality” columns, op/ed essays in papers, and of my blog, have been kindly and generously donating to the annual “MC Reality Readers” fundraising drive to benefit All Faiths Food Bank, raising $10,600 so far to help feed the hungry men, women, and children of […]
Healing hunger for the holidays — MC Reality Readers annual fundraising for All Faiths Food Bank
Since 2006, readers of my “reality” columns, op/ed essays in papers, and of this blog, have been kindly and generously donating to my annual fundraising drive to benefit All Faiths Food Bank. Every year, I add to the drive myself, by personally donating any money I receive from print publications during the month of November […]